Thursday, December 20, 2007


Norris looks to the sky and thinks about life. His world is inside my house and the one time I tried to take him outside, he had a nervous breakdown. From then on, he's stayed inside. He looks much bigger than he is, because his fur is all poofy and needs groomed. He talks a lot. He likes to sleep in toolboxes. He's a good kitten. He's stuck around with me and said he'll keep on sticking it out with me.

Thanks, Norelai.

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I look at this face and I hear his voice. Well, not everyone can hear his voice. Just me, really. We talk to each other a lot. I don't think he's all that happy with me recently. I have been wrong in the past. Tonight, I'm sure, he'll lick my hand and I'll feel a lot better. Right now, I'm sure that he's rather done with me.

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Friday, December 07, 2007

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I woke up and looked out my window at the untouched winter of my backyard. I imagine looking past those trees and through all the houses and wishing everyone a good morning, as the sun first tips itself to us and the sky is made of so many colors. Good morning, everyone.

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Remember those miles that I hate?

I hated them today again.

Hate those miles.

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Rubberneckers. I hate me some.

Do we really need to view someone else's mistake?

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Snow was fun when I was a kid. It meant staying warm and home and not having to go to school.

Snow is no fun when I'm an adult. It means driving on icy roads and having to go to work.

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

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I came down from the hill, dizzy from sleep and saw the lights of the city in front of me, telling me that everything was awesome.

I cannot argue with the lights.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

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You left this here as an period.

The past is the past.

Tip out the skunked beer all over the earth.

The future is amazing.

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Long highway dark in middle of night
Sleep tight
Dark border stations
Eyes cast over moon lit waves
It's a right up ahead
Depends on how long you sleep.

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The cast metal black child triumphantly rode the turtle past Pez Stormtroopers. He did not pay attention to the cries of "What the fuck?"

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A week with no bloggy. Must have been all the turkey.

At least my hands are antibacterial.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

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I've been really hungry. Super hungry. But eating good.

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Friday, November 16, 2007

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Dear 16 year old me:

I just wanted to send a message back to you. Your life will not always be easy. Far from it.

Sometimes, you will second guess yourself. I ask you not to do that. I know that you will find life full of confusion. There are so many ways it can go. You will think through them all.

In the next few years, you will undergo big changes. Change doesn't stop. Don't be afraid of change.

A lot of times, you will just sit in your room and do nothing. Go out. See the world.

Don't be afraid of drinking. It can be your friend. Just don't overdo it.

Get the door for little old ladies. Be nice to old people and listen to their stories.

Never forget who you are. You will sometimes. I am asking you to remember who you are. You will get it when you are me.

Boy, that doesn't all sound so good, huh? Well, things turn out OK. Don't you worry.

You never cut your hair. You sold out at a few jobs, but now you do what you want. You will achieve every single dream that you have. You have big dreams. You will live all of them. I promise you.

Just get through high school. You can make it. Life can be amazing if you let it be amazing.

I love you.

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Why do they have a lottery drive-thru?

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Can you feel it? The idea that dreams can become reality? That you can reach into sleep and make the unconscious mind your reality? The fact is that we are on the edge of something here. That we can take the world and make it be whatever we want.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

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This statue used to talk to me. I was young. Maybe when we are that little, we are more open to the unexplained. We don't want to explain them or need to. You know, you should be that way. You shouldn't try and understand why the universe does the things that it does.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

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Cities from the sky, clouds parting to reveal serpentine roads that lead to every place you want to go. Closer to the ground, wheels lower from mechanical bird. You can see buildings as dots, then those dots become cars and maybe people in the cars. They all are going somewhere important. You just want to land.

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I love the fall. Hate the winter. Love Christmas and Thanksgiving. But hate the winter.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

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It's going to be a bumpy ride but the destination is worth it.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

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As a kid, I could not use Proctor & Gamble products, as they were made by Satan. I am wearing a Slayer shirt as I write this.

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Sometimes being surprised is a surprise.

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Friday, November 09, 2007

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Once, the horn rode into battle against horrible frost beasts and hook horrors and all manner of beasties.

Now, it sits on a shelf in a strip mall and gets cleaned with Windex.

Not the fate the horn wanted.

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A forest of police tape and buckets lined the path. Something happened here. Something that needed a single file line.

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Que pasa, senor?

I don't know enough Spanish to say any more.

Please enjoy the Mexican duck.

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Thursday, November 08, 2007

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The Monster Mash.

Come on.

All those monsters got together and there was not a fight.

Come on, people.

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Peck peck peck.

Ceramic beaks come down.

Peck peck peck.

Ceramic farms need eggs.

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

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I grew up watching a lot of teen movies and I have never been to a party like in one of them.

Like 16 Candles. I have never been to a party like that.

I don't believe in their existence.

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I used to say the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train.

I don't believe that any more.

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Halloween stuff is now 75% off.

If you can still find it.

Sometimes, people stalk that stuff. They stake it out.

If I had a time machine, I'd buy a 75% off costume and go back to a party and have the best costume there.

Statements like that are the reason why I am not allowed to have a time machine. Instead of seeing history or going back to kill Hitler, I would want a cheap Chewbacca costume.

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

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Inside the jungle mirror, all the answers are waiting.

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I've been seeing Mexican Train a lot. Does anybody play it?

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Vikings, prepare yourself.

We're about to rape and pillage Baby Gap.

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Sleep, little ebony prince. You love your toys. You love laying on my legs. You are my partner in dreams.

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This is Sam's dad.

His name is Sam, too.

The other day, he said to Sam, you are more successful than I ever have been.

The thing is, all Sam's life, he felt he would never live up to the amazing example his father had shown to him or live the life of his father.

But to his dad, Sam had done more. He'd be around the world, made art, comic books and clothes, so much more.

It was an eye opening statement.

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Fingers from the 1980s inside machines
Say the strangest things

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I have never had the need for a magnifying glass whistle.

That said...

I have been told where to find one.

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It's a race.

Good thing they brought plenty of candy.

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Monday, November 05, 2007

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There's a white pumpkin.

It's going to get smashed.

It's seeds will spill out onto the most fertile earth.

Soon, there will be many white pumpkins.

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The puffins are on the march.

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If you could only see into the windows, you would know if your dreams came true.

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Sugar, gummy, sharks, cola, penguins that taste like peach.

People speak to you for no reason than to be nice.

Crank up the register.

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Sunday, November 04, 2007

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I look out where you fished and I can feel you here. I just wanted to say hello. I just wanted to let you know that you will always be remembered.

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Corning is an Ellwood City thing to do. You take the corn off an ear, dry it, then throw it at people or houses.

There is not a lot to do in my hometown.

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Food that talks has always freaked me out.

My grandfather took me to Peace Valley Orchards one day and there was a big barrel full of apples.

There was a sign that said "I'm delicious. Eat me."

Everyone else grabbed a free apple. I sat on the ground and almost cried.

These apples could talk. Who were we to eat them?

Man, I was a weird kid.

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When I was young, we fished at Brush Creek. One day, I caught the biggest fish I had ever seen. It looked like a trout, but had teeth. We found out they had stocked these for a fishing contest and we had to give them back. It was a bofin, which is a prehistoric looking fish. They don't taste very good. They're actually quite bitter. I was so happy to catch a prehistoric era scary looking fish. I'm still pretty happy about it.

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Spill out, night, in front of me. Potential and possibility are inside you.

Even when you can go to sleep whenever you want to, it's still nice to be in bed by 12.

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Saturday, November 03, 2007

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I walked around the American Legion taking pictures in the middle of the night.

I was wondering if anyone would try and stop me.

Maybe I wanted them to.

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Friday, November 02, 2007

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The road, with the open top, is much easier to drive down, than when the air is not in your hair.

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He is my confidant.

He sits next to me on the couch.

He knows every problem I have and just listens.

I love this cat.

He is a person to me.

He has a soul.

I will always love him. I have for 7 years.

He is sleeping next to me as I write this.

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When the zombie invasion apocalypse global warming zero population war comes, we will commandeer these guns. We will use them to battle. Our forefathers left us them to kill Commies and zombies.

When I was a kid, I always prayed that Red Dawn would be real and I could kill some Godless Commies.

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