Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Her siren songs sang, "Low prices and moonpies."

Photo - N
Words - S

You are sweetness and light. You are the stars and moon in the sky. You are the purple in the horizon before the sun sets. You are the morning dew and the fog that rolls through the night. You are the smile I see when I look in the mirror.

Photo - N
Words - S

No fan used as a fence can stop a dog like this.

Photo - N
Words - S

Monday, November 09, 2009


Our lives are fiction of our own creations that we allow other characters to inhabit. We see ourselves as the hero, of course, so we always search for the archetypes that can live within our story. You write your own tale. Do you want it to be an adventure? A romance? A tragedy? Or can it be everything? Can life be more than the cookie cutter hero's journey and become something where beauty and art lies in every nook and cranny and every single moment is exactly what and where you want it to be? We can't be perfect, but we can make a perfect love, someone once said. A more perfect world? It starts with you and me. I love life. I love where it is. But I know that it can be more. And I'd rather have someone be more than a character in my book. I'd rather they were my partner in crime. Maybe all our ideas of what we really want are overinflated, pushed on us by teen movies and media that isn't real. The only pop culture is the one we invent. Do you want to be a pirate? Or do you want to be a ninja? Me? I'd rather be a gypsy. Who wants to join me?

Photo - N
Words - S