Friday, November 16, 2007

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Dear 16 year old me:

I just wanted to send a message back to you. Your life will not always be easy. Far from it.

Sometimes, you will second guess yourself. I ask you not to do that. I know that you will find life full of confusion. There are so many ways it can go. You will think through them all.

In the next few years, you will undergo big changes. Change doesn't stop. Don't be afraid of change.

A lot of times, you will just sit in your room and do nothing. Go out. See the world.

Don't be afraid of drinking. It can be your friend. Just don't overdo it.

Get the door for little old ladies. Be nice to old people and listen to their stories.

Never forget who you are. You will sometimes. I am asking you to remember who you are. You will get it when you are me.

Boy, that doesn't all sound so good, huh? Well, things turn out OK. Don't you worry.

You never cut your hair. You sold out at a few jobs, but now you do what you want. You will achieve every single dream that you have. You have big dreams. You will live all of them. I promise you.

Just get through high school. You can make it. Life can be amazing if you let it be amazing.

I love you.

Photo - S
Words - S

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The problem with this letter the 16year old you wouldn't have listened to anyone about how things are going to be.

Especially the 30 something you.

but the good news is that you 30-something you is here to try.