Monday, December 22, 2008


No one is going to miss me when I'm gone. Because I have faded slowly, so slowly, that no one ever realized. And one day, you'll turn around and wonder what ever became of me, and I have become nothing. I have disappeared and even I won't be able to write my way back. I will segue into hazy drunken memories and half remembered tales and that is where I want to be, where I can't disappoint people any more or make mistakes. I want to be finite fiction, one book, not this seemingly endless parody that my life has become. I want to sleep for the rest of my life and when my coma starts, I want that plug pulled in minutes. I want to seep beneath the icy floes and feel my legs and arms stop working and to just be numb. To be everyone else. To not be cursed with this need to please and care and worry and give. I wish I was an asshole. I wish people hated me with all their hearts and no matter how hard the other half of me tries, the real me keeps making up for him.

Photo - S
Words - S

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