Tuesday, September 29, 2009


When I was a kid, I wandered into the cornfields for hours. It may have been minutes. Your sense of time is different when you are a kid because you are 6, and sometimes, as an adult, I forget that 2005 was 4 years ago. So it may have been minutes. I wandered and wandered, and I screamed and screamed, and I probably wandered some more. But the truth is, I was only a few houses over and the nice lady that lived in that house walked me back to the party and I was fine. But to be lost and untethered and to not where you are going, yeah, once you do enough of that, you don't scream and cry anymore. You just get used to being lost so that if you've never found it doesn't matter because the feeling of being lost is not lost on you.

Photo - N
Words - S

Happy birthday, N!

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