Monday, June 11, 2007

I'm of two minds about the whole thing, really

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For as many times as I say I hate this city, I love this city. Where else can you see trees grow inside the dust and dirt? Where else can death and life be inside the same concrete? This city drags me down and gives me hope. Anything that brings that much emotion to me can’t be all good or bad.

Picture – N
Words - S

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a great picture. Actually, all of these are. But the stray tree stuck in mass of concrete and traffic is so confusing, so sad for the tree, so characteristic of our fair land. The one that always gets me is, when come off the Veterans Bridge and take the Boulevard of the Allies, the poor tree that's popping up between the inbound and outbound lanes. Poor fellow. I always feel like it has no friends, so hopefully people wave as they drive by.