Monday, August 20, 2007

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Who knows how an idea gets started?

What if you didn't tie your shoes in 1996 and slipped and lost your mother in a store? She didn't find you in time and you missed an appointment, where you would decide what you would do for a living and where you would go to school? What if you saw something else and you stayed where you were? Or moved somewhere else? Or chose not to even wear shoes that day?

What if you decided to take the long way around and missed work? Got fired. Weren't there when someone else wanted to hire you. Moved to another city. Or quit what you did.

What if the phone had never been invented? Life would be different then, huh?

What if we just stand still for a week? Will things change? Will life improve and man walk the moon?

Ideas have to start and be worked on. They need honed and shaped and formed.

Do you believe that ideas are destiny? That we aren't here just to live and die and rot? That perhaps great things can be aspired to and happen? That life doesn't have to just slowly grind you to bits?

Can we all just stop our cars and stand up on them and scream joyously that we have free will?

Ideas are power. Somedays, I wish I could believe in them all the way.

Words - S
Photo - S

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