Monday, August 04, 2008

There's nothing for me, in this world full of strangers. It's all someone else's idea.


"Until I send for you, don't wear your hair that way.
If you cannot be true, I'll understand."

I will never know wrinkles and liver spots and to see how age makes beauty. I will never know the feel of a child's hand in my grizzled paw. I'll never know that feeling again, that rush that heartbeat. My name will become forgetful, my image will become fuzzy, I will become conjecture and wonder and illusion and campfire talk. That knowledge will elude me. I'll seek it like the holy grail and it will be fraught with pitfalls and really all I should do is stay on my comfy couch and pet my dog and keep my fingers away from keyboards.

Call a jitney drive away. In the slipstream, we will stay. Stay away. Stay away. Stay away. Stay away. Stay away. Stay away. Stay away.

Photo - S
Words - S

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