Monday, October 27, 2008

Ellwood City stories #4


The Red Hot used to be on the Fifth Street bridge, which is no longer the Fifth Street bridge. Now it has a long ass, Ellwood City Lincoln Junior Senior High School Blue Band and Veterans bridge, or somesuch kind of thingy do.

Pee Wee's is gone, but Red Hot has remained. They opened a Brighton Hot Dog Shoppe next to it, and it is still here. It's the chili. It will beat your ass into the earth.


I have never had fries anywhere like here, either. And I usually hate fries.

It says something for a place if I like the fries.

Once, when I was a kid, I watched an episode of Kolchak the Night Stalker that freaked me out. See, I used to dress like Carl Kochack. When I was 3. I wanted to hunt monster, but I was scared shitless of them. In the last episode (there are only 20, yet I have watched them all so many times), The Sentry, a lizard creature keeps attacking people. Well, I was freaked that the lizard was real. I had an overactive imagination, and well, encouraging parents. Well, I was in the bathroom too long (and this has remained a problem my entire life, I get lost in the toilet), and my dad wanted me to come out and eat. So, when the lizard was about kill, he would knock on the wall, then bust out. So, of course, dad knocked like the lizard, and I fled the bathroom with pants around my ankles.

Yes, I had a good childhood.

Photo - S
Words - S

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