Monday, October 13, 2008


Sometimes, I think we're looking down. But the truth is, we're not. It's all up from here, and not uphill. And even if not, sometimes, it feels good to lie in the green grass and feel it squish and move and twist between your toes. Even in the heart of the city, we find the green. And as you can see, the chainlink crisscross has no power over it. It winds its way through it and grows, ever upward. Reaching out into the warmness of the day and opening its arms wide open. I'd like to think that this town isn't forever. That the city isn't forever. That the roads will be as open as the green and all of the places that are cherished will never go away, never fade. That all night stores and drive in movies and theme motels will always keep their doors open for bums and gypsies.

Photo - N
Words - S

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