Thursday, February 16, 2006

The big experiment

Here’s a little behind the scenes on how we make it happen here at “ifthenwhat.” I, S, have some stupid little plan to be a rock star, so I’ve been writing a whole bunch of songs. They don’t have any music and they don’t rhyme, but I really could care less. Generally, N is the only person that gets to read these sketches of songs. Yesterday, I send her a few verses of one that I was working on with the idea that we switch it up and words came before the photo, as generally, the words are inspired by the photo. That’s why photo is listed first. If it’s the opposite, we’d list words first, but I believe this is the first time that this has happened. I could be wrong, as it’s just the two of us doing this and also trying to do our real jobs and e-mail one another to amuse ourselves throughout our exciting days of sitting at desks. My desk is much bigger and nicer. And I will never be allowed to forget that and the tears that it has caused. Also, many of these pictures were taken in traffic, while N was on the cel phone with me, so she risked her life to bring you all some fucking art, so you better respect that.

Without any further ado, our words first, then photos taken as they were inspired experiment.

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Song #4

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Spin your wheels
In fast forward
Slow motion
Waiting to wait
Meeting to meet
Broken chairs, twisted cords
Tired eyes staring

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My fingers itch
and burn
And the letters in my mind
end up being different on
cathode ray screen
And other times
I just stay dizzy

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Styrofoam vessels of
brown foamy caffeine
whispered threats
and unseen hands
that grab my neck
throttle me to the ground
and someday inside it

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