Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Then you said in a song that life was getting real tough, but hey I think that you're bluffing, what of it?

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There is this guy I know, who weaves words together until they look like my photos. I wanted to introduce you, but he is shy and ran away. Here are some things that you should probably know about him. Of course, I have a habit of embellishing my stories so you will have to figure out for yourself which bits are true and which ones I fabricated.

He has 7 roommates (6 of them are feline and he married the other one)
Francis Ford Copolla and his father could be twins.
He loves Lemonheads.
He wears red cowboy boots.
We were separated at birth and now share a telepathic ability.
His part time job is as a wrestler.
His next job will be rock star.
He smells of beets.
Our last vacation together took place in a pack of Camel cigarettes.
He used to work at Toys R Us.
If he was a god, he would be Anasi.
Sleep is not his friend.
If you visit him at his home, he will make you sushi and sing karaoke.

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