Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Introduce Yourself, Right On!

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We post all these images and ideas on this site and never tell you anything about ourselves. Therefore, in the next few days, we plan on solving that.

How do I introduce my partner-in-crime?

Telling you a mix of facts about her, some true and others untrue, seems to be the best way to start.

At cocktail parties, she wears a candy necklace instead of pearls.

She recommends really good books.

Her favorite mixed drink is Nyquil and Nyquil.

She grew up on a merchant marine ship.

She takes most of the pictures.

This was all half of her idea.

She enjoys being interviewed.

She was in the band “Shakespeare’s Sister”

She works for the same company as me, just across town.

Someday, she will own a cat.

She really should write a book someday.

In another reality, we are in a band together and on a lot of drugs.

Her first memory is riding on the back of a moped.

We did not go to the same high school; we went to the same college.

She took this photo. I wrote these words.

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