Tuesday, June 24, 2008


The dust floats through the lights and I watch it and wonder if it can think. It floats and flits and flies and sparks out across the night. And if I had enough money, I'd just leave this town and never look back. But I don't. So I spiral, I spin, I am in the spotlights, I hide, I want to say so much and it always turns into misunderstandings and I can see the horizon and the mountains growing further and further and I have no idea how to stop it but to be dust. I want to reach out but I know that when I just grab air it's gonna crush me. I wanna yell out but there isn't an ear that wants to listen. I want to put the pedal down but the gas has gone dry. I wish I could cough hard and leave my body and just be torn to shreds by the wind. I want to fall off, trail off, be static, stuck between stations, two songs playing at once in your head until one goes away forever.

Photo - S
Words - S

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