Thursday, June 19, 2008


I am listening to the leak of Chinese Democracy by Guns N Roses. This album has been recorded for over ten years. That said, what I am listening to is great. It really is. So I am here to tell you how much I love Guns N Roses. I fucking love them. When I was a kid, and read Rip! magazine, everyone was always talking about them and they weren't even on a label yet. They were always like, those guys are crazy and on drugs and just will implode. And yeah, they fucking did, but man. Is there any band today that you honestly don't know if a riot will break out when they play? The thing is, I love the songs. Rocket Queen. 14 Years. Pretty Tied Up. I could go on and on. So here are two reasons why I truly love them. One, on Rocket Queen, that moaning? It's Axl fucking Steven Adler's girlfriend. Adler found out when the album came out and he heard her on it. Two, a girl asked Axl to write her a song, like Elton John wrote Your Song. He wrote her My Michelle, which is the biggest fuck you ever, and told her to be careful what she asked for. Man, Axl. Wearing a catcher's vest and a kilt. Fucker.

Photo - N
Words - S

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