Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Shazam! Kimota! 3X2(9YZ)4A.

When I was a kid, I yelled magic words and hoped that they would unlock my super powers. I ran down a hill again and again with a cape on my back, throwing myself face first into gravel, all because I believed one word would allow me to fly away and be someone else.

And now, I realize that there is no such thing. I toss words out into streams and rivers and say the same things again and again and I realize that most of my words are much like the magic words that did not transform a younger me into something stronger. The words were just words and that's all that these words are. I'd do better for my life if I stood in a corner randomly yelling out phrases in the hopes that magic lightning would come and I could fly away to the Rock of Eternity. Then, I'd have the wisdom of Solomon and know better.

Photo - N
Words - S

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